Conversations With My 4 Year Old (2)
"Mommy, I need you to come outside and play with me."
"You do, huh?"
"Yeah, cuz the clouds are getting dark and a chilling wind is whipping across our street."
(Verbatim, I swear.)
From a mother of three to you.
"Mommy, I need you to come outside and play with me."
So this morning I locked myself and all three kids out of the house. Oh yes, I did. No really, I did, I swear. Everyone was securely buckled into their carseats and ready to head off to school. The house was locked up tight. I had remembered to grab my purse, my cell phone, the diaper bag, Alex's snack, Alex's coat, my cup of coffee, return items for the mall, a cosleeper I was giving back to the friend who lent it to me, all three of my children...just no keys.